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fresh food, never SPAM

Stuffed Shrooms

This stuffed mushroom recipe was popular this week to say the least, and what I mean by that is that an usually high number of people “promised” to make it. In this insta-world age of likes, it’s the most that we can expect, LOL.

For this dish 2 different mushrooms recipes were adapted from Penni Shelton’s book Raw Food Cleanse. It’s been a few new discoveries in the world of food since the book’s 2010 publishing so a few updates were done but nothing major.

Although the original recipe and my recipe calls for some time in the dehydrator, this is completely optional. I also enjoy it room temperature over mixed greens. In colder climates, it can also be warmed up in the oven for a few minutes but as always keep in mind the nutrients that are lost from high heat. 


Stuffed Shrooms + Savory Greens

2 Portobello Mushroom Caps, stems removed
1/4c Olive Oil
1/4c Coconut Aminos
1/4c Apple Cider Vinegar
1 cloves Garlic, minced
1/2t black pepper


Whisk to combine ingredients. Place mushrooms in a shallow container with a cover. Add marinade, cover and shake. Allow to sit for an hour to overnight, shaking every so often (if possible) to keep caps coated.
Use any remaining mushroom marinade to dress a salad of spinach, arugula or other light greens (kale doesn’t work well with this dish).

The dressing also keeps in the fridge for about a week.


1/3c Pine Nuts (or sunflower seeds)
3 Cloves Garlic, minced
1/3c Cilantro, packed
1/3c Basil, packed
1tb Lemon Juice, fresh
2tb Coconut Aminos
1c Tomato, chopped

Place all ingredients, minus tomato in a food processor and pulse to chop, then add tomato, pulse again until just blended, pesto style (not purée). Stuff filling into mushroom caps and serve.
For an even better flavor heat in dehydrator for 2 hours at 115F to allow flavors to combine and warm. Although you will lose certain nutrients and flavors through high heat, you may also heat in the oven for 10 minutes wrapped in foil.




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